

The Crossing - Rider Times

July 25
190 kilometres / 117 miles
de Cock 5h 35' 34.03
Dunsmore 5h 37' 33.83
Holland 6h 33' 29.01
Fedoruk 7h 10' 26.51
July 26
167 kilometres / 103 miles
de Cock 4h 48' 34.79
Dunsmore 4h 42' 35.53
Holland 5h 22' 31.12
Fedoruk 5h 45' 29.04
July 27
171 kilometres / 106 miles
de Cock 5h 35' 30.63
Dunsmore 5h 24' 31.67
Holland 5h 59' 28.58
Fedoruk 6h 43' 25.46
July 28
189 kilometres / 117 miles
de Cock 5h 45' 32.87
Dunsmore 6h 11' 30.57
Holland 6h 42' 28.21
Fedoruk 8h 00' 23.63
July 29
188 kilometres / 116 miles
de Cock 6h 18' 29.84
Dunsmore 6h 50' 27.51
Holland 7h 27' 25.23
Fedoruk 8h 10' 23.02
July 30
182 kilometres / 112 miles
de Cock 5h 50' 31.20
Dunsmore 6h 10' 29.51
Holland 6h 51' 26.57
Fedoruk 7h 18' 24.93

Go To: Prairies Stage July 18 to July 23
Go To: Northern Stage August 1 to August 6


Luke Bikerider
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